Librarium Latest Battlers Early Access!
A downloadable asset pack

Get ahead! Start using the latest Librarium battlers today!
Librarium full releases come with a comprehensive spectrum of resources associated to the featured design, but they do take some time to cook up!
To remedy this situation and so that you can start using tangible content sooner, the early access packs are here!
Early access packs bundle in the latest Librarium battler designs along their respective full resolution PSDs!
The December 2023 edition packs in a total of 49 battler designs and will receive another batch of at least 12 more battlers before the month ends!
Thanks for your continued support which makes the creation of these assets possible!
This is a Librarium early access available for itch.io claiming to patrons pledged at $1 per update cycle and above! Another perk available from Librarium's most basic tier!
Claim access to this link and download it today here on itch.io!
Price shown only to circumvent a "This asset pack is currently unavailable" message!
Follow this link to claim here and download!
This asset pack is currently unavailable
Development log
- Ignis Fire titan added!Aug 22, 2024
- Greed Deadly Sin Added!Aug 20, 2024
- Fairy Dragon Drach Mondres Added!Aug 19, 2024
- Space Dragon Prism Midoria Added!Aug 18, 2024
- Librarium's Early Access will now incorporate 4-dir map sprites!Aug 16, 2024
- Horsemen Of the Apocalypse! July 2024 First Batch of Battlers Added !Aug 12, 2024
- June 2024 First Batch of Battlers Added!Jul 12, 2024
- May 2024 Battler Designs added!Jul 01, 2024
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Damn Really Wish You Still Post In The Old Drive Link
It will be getting updated again with the map sprites for these releases as I'll be powering through them to match the current format of Early Access releases
Well i can see it with element phoniex so thanks for it but will it not be updated with the newer releases like calamity novus and innova
Jesus Christ! It's been nearly 9 months and none of these have been released for general purchase yet! Are these ever going to be released? I am looking for the birds.
Hello! The early access materials are being full released indeed gradually though there's an extensive backlog to cover, To mitigate the wait time, kill the backlog catchup for the most paart and make them more functional upon early release starting this month I have started to also do the 4dir map sprites for new designs winning polls at patreon, also to come during next month (as in September) will be a strat to start covering both 2023 and 2024 early access stuff (such as the birds) into full releases, in short, a lot of new strategies started to come into play just last month to remedy this, but you're bound to see that particular (Elemental phoenix I assume) full release very soon
Is the phoenixes coming or not? You said "very soon" two months ago.
The phoenixes map sprites are now available and part of this upload, however not for individual full release pack here yet, only over at patreon under EA!
Is there an ETA for the official release of this pack? These monsters are definitely ones I will use but it has been a while and these are still not available to purchase by the general public.
hello, I didnt get a notif for this comment! Early access Battlers have a varying release date for their full releases, but the battlers themselves are already available in this early access format, though it is a patreon perk!
Hello !
Is there any ETA on when the 4-Dir map of all those sprites will be available ?
I feel like they are getting more and more forgotten by the time passes by, sadly :(
Hello! The 4dir map sprites are launched in full releases which have a set quota of them per month, but lately im trying to balance this target quota number with the level of illustration and pixel art quality displayed in the latest works and the time it requires to produce them!
I know it feels slow but I can assure you 4dirs are not forgotten and are still a core for Librarium!
Hi Aekashics. Love your sprites to ; ) I have so many of it for my game. (I am a little bit scared of publishing.) For these battler sprites, are you planing 4 map sprites too? : )
Hi Mortem! Glad to hear that! To answer your question, yes they will, though at a much later date! :)
Hello Aekashics love your work it’s really cool I just wanted to say I am having your assets for my video game that I’m making I plan on giving you full credit for them and linking it backing to your Patreon and itch.io I’m also making the game free so I was wondering if it’s okay if I use them in my video game and even release it if not that’s completely fine
Hello Baby Seal, powering projects like yours is what Librarium is here for, thanks for your support and godspeed in your gamedev journey!
Thank you
Hey Aekashics, first of all I love your work, I really appreciate all the work you do the bosses, enemies, etc are amazins, so keep it up!!
Now, I am trying to download this pack or to buy it if it is available, but I cannot find the download button its says: "This asset pack is currently unavailable", what do I have to do to download it? Thank you in advance.
Hello Gordo!
Early access isn't exactly a pack you buy, instead it is a pack you claim access to by joining us on patreon!
You can claim the early access upload in the following link:
It is available at the lowest pledge tier($2 per month) but there are many other packs to be claimed and accessed to in our Dragon Tier!
Hi Aekashics,
Oh, thank you very much, I will take a look to see how patreon works.
I don't understand your Patreon. Which Tier will get me access to all your previous and current works? I checked your Gumroad and the Collections for previous works cost over $100?
The way patreon has evolved, everything after 2021 is available upon joining, but everything pre-2021 is only available in the compilations found here and Gumroad!
I see! Thank you for the clear answer.
no problem! Let me know if you have other questions!