Updated listing to reflect better the intended Acquisition method and cost of these assets!


Over the past 2 days I noticed there was some confusion on why the Early access was set to have a high price on its itch.io page,

I initially thought the disclaimers attached to the landing page provided enough context but after some devs expressed the same question I figured it might not be as 100% clear as I wanted it to be,

to make it short and as I explained in a reply:

It was setup like that because this upload is meant to be claimed as a patreon reward with the patreon integration system itch.io itself offers (At the intended pledge level which is by the way the lowest and cheapest one I have over there ($1 per updated cycle or $2 a month basically!)) But I wasn't sure how to post it here to be able to be claimed through that system, as it wasn't really a "no payment" setting pack and it  is intended to be claimed with the patreon integration, by default it seemed like a good option to just check the "Hide download" setting at the bottom level configuration settings, however I quickly noticed that if I did that, the dl section just showed a message which said "This asset pack is currently unavailable " (Just like in these releases https://aekashics.itch.io/librarium-animated-world-crusher-shaccadyoggoth ) 

which I feel could lead to further confusion, as such a legend gives the idea the pack isn't available anywhere, this is why I added the huge disclaimers explaining this in a condensed format, which also reflects the way I posted the Librarium batch Libraries many many years ago:


Now, the game changer today, and which I think wasn't really a thing even years ago when I posted the batch Libraries is that, upon further investigating and experimenting with the listing settings and their effects to address this situation, I noticed there are two sections in a listing where one can add a 'hide download' setting :

One in the file upload section

and another in the public access settings section:

for many years and up until today I thought  both did the exact same thing, and I always used the public access section by default, but the difference is

One will make the "This asset pack is currently unavailable" message show up, and another one will not.

With this insight acquired, I have configured the Early access file to have the correct settings and I will also proceed to update the same setting on the batch libraries, albeit there seemed to never have been confusion in that upload for the past few years, with this discovery, that old layout is no longer necessary!

With this explained I apologize for any confusion and I resume the creation of these early access designs and full releases!

Get Librarium Latest Battlers Early Access!


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Keep up the awesome

More updates are coming!

I'll be updating with the Azure sisters in a few hours :) 
